Author Archives: raedrenn

Only 102 weeks left to go…

So it’s now been over two weeks with the braces and on the whole I’m finding it all ‘okay’. Some days are better than others. I thought the braces had settled in nicely and I’d gotten through the ibuprofen/wax phase but the last couple of days have been painful and I’ve had to break out the wax again. Not sure if this is a result from trying to eat more chewy foods like pizza and bacon

People’s reactions have been interesting; or rather their lack of reaction. I’m not going to kid myself that nobody is noticing the braces – the intent gazes are giving it away. Rather I think it’s the very British thing of not mentioning it. I find I have to bring it up myself in some ‘subtle’ manner as it just becomes this awakard (shiny metal) elephant in the room. Say something like,”hey did I show you my braces?!” if they are friends or make a big deal of going off to clean my teeth. People are then palpably relived I have broken the brace ice and full of their teenage brace experiences. Or say really unhelpful things like, “aren’t you a bit old for braces?” or “why have you got them?”. I have also mastered the art of talking without showing my braces for those days when you really can’t be arsed with talking about it.

Positive – kids love them. In fact my 2 year old daughter cried because she wants shiny teeth

Negative – I’m not smiling very much as I feel a bit of a doofus

Positive – I have noticed is that my face looks less lined and the bone structure more defined as a result of braces. I have even had two (un-solicited) comments about looking younger. Is this the infamous Damon face lift..?

Negative – my mouth gets very dry and sometimes my braces stick to my lips in a deeply unattractive way

Positive – my teeth have never been cleaner!



Braces on…

So the big day has been and gone and I am now officially braced up. A full on Metal Micky!

I have been feeling sore, elated, embarrassed, proud and silly all in the space of the last 24 hours.

I got Damon 2s on the top and bottom and initially it was all okay! I went home, scared the kids and had beans on toast for tea. Then I started popping brackets… So today I was back in that dentist chair again looking out over Edinburgh Castle – a lot sooner than I anticipated – getting FIVE brackets put back. Thankfully I got an emergency appointment and my work are pretty understanding. I did however see a different orthodontist and he was not overly gentle. Maybe it’s because my mouth was already sensitive but after the repairs my little brace bubble has deflated somewhat. And then I had to go back to work and have a meeting…with talking.


Mulling it over

Okay, my first ever blog and I guess I should start at the beginning…

I could have had braces when I was thirteen but my parents said it was my desicion and so, unsurprisingly, I said no. On the NHS too. At thirteen I had acne, a really bad 80s perm and went to an all girls school but vanity prevailed.

Fast forward 27 years or so and after my dentist said (several) times; “have you ever thought about braces?”, I decided to think about braces. I figured it would be costly but I might as well see what my options were. Initially I was referred to a private practice for an ‘initial consultation’ but when I found this was going to cost me £80, I demurred. Fast forward to my next 6 month check up and noting my tight-wadness my lovely dentist Ashley had another idea. She suggested referring me to the NHS Dental Hospital in Edinburgh instead. ” I doubt they’ll take you on”, she said “but at least you can find out what your options are. ” But they did take me on..

So after several visits to Lauriston Hospital a lot of x-rays, putty and a jaw surgery curve ball, I am about to get Damon braces top and bottom for 2 years or so. Bricking it slightly.
